195 research outputs found

    Entre sujeitos e jogos políticos no contexto do movimento LGBT de Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Este artigo apresenta resultados de pesquisa cujo objetivo foi analisar os usos e efeitos das identidades sexuais no contexto do Fórum de Lésbicas Gays, Travestis e Transexuais de Pernambuco (LBGT/PE), nordeste do Brasil. Para tanto, definimos como objetivos específicos: 1) identificar nomeações utilizadas pelos sujeitos que compõem o coletivo em questão; 2) identificar sentidos produzidos acerca das identidades sexuais nesses mesmos encontros; e 3) analisar campos de tensão e usos estratégicos destas categorias identitárias. A metodologia envolveu a realização de observações no contidiano das reuniões do Fórum LGBT/PE, durante 12 sessões. Foram incluídos nos processos de análise outros elementos tais como: cartazes, atas de reunião, e-mails, arranjo do espaço, camisetas. As análises apresentadas evidenciam um campo-tema que se materializa como rede heterogênea, interconectado por diversos momentos, locais e sujeitos, tendo o Fórum LGBT/PE como ponto de conexões, que não se limitam a ele.This paper presents research results with the objective of analyse uses and effects of sexual identities in the context of the Fórum de Lésbicas Gays, Travestis e Transexuais de Pernambuco (LBGT/PE), northeast of Brazil. To this end, it is defined as specific objectives: 1) to identify the designations used by the subjects that compose this collective; 2) to identify meanings produced on the sexual identities in their encounters; and 3) to analyse tension fields and strategic uses of identity categories. The methodology involved everyday observations in the meetings of the Forum LGTB\PE, during 12 sessions. In the analysis processes were included other elements, such as: posters, meeting records, e-mails, space arrangement, T-shirts. The analysis presented show the materialization of a field-theme as heterogeneous network, interconnected by different moments, places and subjects, and the Forum LGBT/PE as a point of connections, which is not limited to it

    Os ingredientes do Cinema Negro

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    In front of the oppressions that mark Brazilian society e that reproduce themselves, as in so many other instances, in the medium of creative audiovisual production, Black Cinema is a potentially transformative proposition, which is geared towards the widening, the education of audiences e the reconfiguration of structures that support a chain of systemic injustices. We acknowledge here the importance of communication, its relationship with culture and, above all else, the nature of the anti-racist pedagogical commitment needed to rethink Brazilian cinema. To do so, it is necessary to face the challenge of confronting globalizing hegemonic forms of mass cinema and assume the responsibility to the images that one is willing to render visible and the creativity to capture spectators attention and establishing to them an intimate, affectionate and consequential dialogue.  Diante das opressões que marcam a sociedade brasileira e que se reproduzem, como em tantas outras instâncias, no meio da produção criativa audiovisual o Cinema Negro é uma proposta potencialmente transformadora, que se dirige para a abertura de olhares, para a educação dos públicos e para a reconfiguração das estruturas que dão suporte a uma cadeia de injustiças sistêmicas. Reconhece-se aqui a importância da comunicação, sua relação com a cultura e, sobretudo, a natureza do compromisso pedagógico antirracista para que se repense o cinema brasileiro. Impõe-se para tal, o desafio de enfrentar as formas globalizantes e hegemônicas do cinema de massa e a responsabilidade com as imagens que dispõem a visibilizar e a criatividade para capturar a atenção do expectador e estabelecer com ele um diálogo de cumplicidade, afetuoso e consequente.

    Ensino Médio com Intermediação Tecnológica (EMITec): análise da proposta curricular

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    This article presents the results of a research that investigated the curriculum policy for high school in the State of Bahia. The focus of the text is the evidence of the recontextualization process present in the curricular policy of the proposal of High School with Technological Intermediation (EMITec). We present an overview of the program, highlighting the curricular organization and emphasize some discussions about the influences present in the production of EMITec's discourse. For this, we go through some fundamental concepts of the theory of the pedagogical device of Basil Bernstein (1996; 1998), especially his production on the pedagogical recontextualization of the speeches. Based on the notes made, we can infer that the recontextualizing principles printed to EMITec produce new and different discourses.Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación sobre la política curricular para la escuela secundaria en el estado de Bahía. El enfoque del texto es la evidencia del proceso de recontextualización discursiva presente en la política curricular de la propuesta de la Escuela Secundaria con Intermediación Tecnológica (EMITec). Presentamos una visión general del programa, destacando la organización curricular y destacamos algunas discusiones sobre las influencias presentes en la producción del discurso de EMITec. Para ello, revisamos algunos conceptos fundamentales de la teoría del dispositivo pedagógico de Basil Bernstein (1996, 1998), especialmente su producción sobre la recontextualización pedagógica de los discursos. Con base en las notas hechas, podemos inferir que los principios de recontextualización impresos en EMITec producen discursos nuevos y diferentes.Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa que investigou a política curricular para o Ensino Médio no Estado da Bahia. O foco do texto são os indícios do processo de recontextualização discursiva, presentes na política curricular da proposta do Ensino Médio com Intermediação Tecnológica (EMITec). Apresentamos um panorama geral do programa, destacando a organização curricular e evidenciamos algumas discussões sobre as influências presentes na produção do discurso do EMITec. Para isso, transitamos por alguns conceitos fundamentais da teoria do dispositivo pedagógico de Basil Bernstein (1996; 1998), especialmente sua produção sobre a recontextualização pedagógica dos discursos. Com base nos apontamentos realizados, podemos inferir que os princípios recontextualizadores imprimidos ao EMITec produzem novos e diferentes discursos

    Phase I study of anti-epidermal growth factor receptor antibody-drug conjugate serclutamab talirine: Safety, pharmacokinetics, and antitumor activity in advanced glioblastoma

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    BACKGROUND: Serclutamab talirine (Ser-T, formerly ABBV-321) is an antibody-drug conjugate consisting of an antibody (AM-1-ABT-806) directed against activated epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and a pyrrolobenzodiazepine dimer. We investigated Ser-T monotherapy in a phase I, first-in-human, dose-escalation, and dose-expansion study in patients with advanced solid tumors associated with EGFR overexpression. METHODS: Eligible patients (≥18 years) had advanced, histologically confirmed solid tumors associated with EGFR overexpression (centralized testing). Patients received Ser-T intravenously once every 4 weeks (Q4W; 5-50 μg/kg) in the dose-escalation phase. Herein, preliminary antitumor activity at the recommended phase II dose (RP2D) is reported only for patients with glioblastoma ( RESULTS: Sixty-two patients (median age: 58 years) were enrolled within the dose-escalation ( CONCLUSIONS: Ser-T monotherapy at doses up to 50 μg/kg initial dose, followed by 25 μg/kg Q4W demonstrated a tolerable safety profile with minimal antitumor activity observed in patients with glioblastoma. The glioblastoma dose-expansion cohort was closed due to a lack of efficacy (NCT03234712)

    Repurposing metformin for cancer treatment: current clinical studies.

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    In recent years, several studies have presented evidence suggesting a potential role for metformin in anti-cancer therapy. Preclinical studies have demonstrated several anticancer molecular mechanisms of metformin including mTOR inhibition, cytotoxic effects, and immunomodulation. Epidemiologic data have demonstrated decreased cancer incidence and mortality in patients taking metformin. Several clinical trials, focused on evaluation of metformin as an anti-cancer agent are presently underway. Data published from a small number of completed trials has put forth intriguing results. Clinical trials in pre-surgical endometrial cancer patients exhibited a significant decrease in Ki67 with metformin monotherapy. Another interesting observation was made in patients with breast cancer, wherein a trend towards improvement in cancer proliferation markers was noted in patients without insulin resistance. Data on survival outcomes with the use of metformin as an anti-cancer agent is awaited. This manuscript will critically review the role of metformin as a potential cancer treatment

    Physical and mechanical properties of heat treated wood from Aspidosperma populifolium, Dipteryx odorata and Mimosa scabrella

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    Heat treatment improves some wood properties namely: equilibrium moisture, dimensional stability and durability and mechanical properties. In this study, the heat treatment was applied to woods of three natural species from Brazil: Aspidosperma populifolium (peroba mica), Dipteryx odorata (cumaru) and Mimosa scabrella (bracatinga). The woods were heated in an oven under vacuum and under nitrogen, at 180, 200, and 220°C for one hour. The untreated and heat-treated woods were characterized in relation to equilibrium moisture content, basic density, shrinkage, Janka hardness, and bending MOR and MOE according to NBR 7190 standards. All the thermal rectified woods showed a reduction in the hygroscopic equilibrium content, especially when the heating was under vacuum from 13-15% in the untreated woods to 1-3% for vacuum treatment at 220 °C. The dimensional stability was improved to only a small extent e.g. volumetric shrinkage tended to decrease with increasing temperature. The mechanical properties were affected differently for the three wood species. Heat-treated cumarushowed increased Janka hardness, MOR and MOE; and peroba mica increased MOR and MOE but not Janka hardness; while bracatinga was less influenced by the heat treatmentinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Omnibus survey of pupils and their parents or carers: wave 5: Research report: March 2019

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    Brazilian productivity of eucalyptus trees is one of the highest in the world, and it has sustainable and viable conditions to supply the demand for woody biomass in a large quantity and diversity. This favorable situation makes Brazil one of the countries with the greatest potential for the production development of torrefied woody biomass on a commercial scale. Torrefaction is a mild pyrolysis applied to increase the energy quality of the feedstock. The aim of this study was to evaluate the Brazilian potential of woody biomass torrefaction for energy purposes. An experimental study was performed evaluating this thermal treatment of eucalyptus wood chips on a semi-continuous screw reactor developed by a Brazilian university. The results showed the increases in the energy quality of eucalyptus wood chips as a function of torrefaction temperature and time. This thermal treatment was technically feasible for the hygroscopicity reduction and the increases of fixed carbon and calorific values of the woody biomass


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    The objective of this project was to obtain the temperature profile formed in the wood during the slow pyrolysis process. For this, small holes were opened into the wood using a drill, three thermocouples were inserted in the radial portion along the length of the wood and on the surface - center direction. Three Eucalyptus wood logs, 35 cm long, 30% moisture and 8, 9 and 12 cm diameters, were used. The final pyrolysis temperature was 400 °C. The gravimetric yield of the products was calculated after the pyrolysis process.  The formation of thermal gradients was observed in the wood throughout the process. The temperature difference between the surface and the center can reach up 200 °C, in the pyrolysis of the largest diameter wood.  Thermal heights formed in the wood at 100 °C were detected, being more evident in the central portion. The thermal variation perceived in the wood can be explained by the presence of water, which demands energy for its evaporation and changes the temperature gradients, and the heat conductivity is poor due to the wood being a porous material, mainly in the carbonized zone.These phenomena influence the heat transfer during the pyrolysis process. On the surface - to - center direction, the formation of temperature gradients generates transient thermal threshold due to the drying process. Thus, a temperature gradient was formed between the surface and the center of the wood during the pyrolysis and the total time of the process will be higher in the largest diameter wood


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     Among the technological alternatives to improve the quality and use of eucalyptus wood is heat treatment, as the wood has some features that may limit its use, such as dimensional instability, high anisotropy, and heterogeneous coloring. This study is aimed at evaluating the effect of time of hydrothermal treatment on physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of solid wood of Eucalyptus grandis. We used three trees of E. grandis, selecting only the heartwood, and prepared test specimens with dimensions of 30cmx8cmx3cm (length, width, and thickness). The hydrothermal treatment was performed in a Parr reactor using three reaction times (5, 15, and 25min) at 140°C. Partial removal of extractives occurred, especially in the outer layer of wood. There was an increase of up to 58% of its permeability because of the partial clearing of the vessel elements. There was no degradation of the main constituents of the wood, so loss of mechanical strength was observed. The hydrothermal treatment promoted the partial removal of the hydroxyl groups and/or a structural rearrangement of the hemicelluloses and cellulose, causing a reduction of the hygroscopicity of E. grandis.


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    The combination of pelletization and torrefaction allows for obtaining pellets with higher energetic density. Thus, biomass becomes more attractive and usable for energetic purposes, and therefore, knowing the chemical properties becomes important to guarantee the quality of the torrefied pellets for fuel. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of torrefaction of Pinus sp. pellets on their chemical properties. The wood was previously transformed into particles and dried to 16% moisture content for further pelleting. For the torrefaction, the pellets were dried to 0% moisture content and subjected to heat treatment in a screw type reactor at the temperatures of 210, 250, and 290 °C and the times of 10, 20, and 30 minutes. In order to determine the chemical properties, the structural chemical composition, immediate chemical composition, elemental composition, and thermogravimetric analysis were performed. The torrefaction promoted significant changes in the chemical properties of Pinus sp. pellets, especially regarding the proportional increase of carbon content in detriment to oxygen reduction, increase of the thermal stability, and proportional increase of the lignin content by the reduction of the hemicelluloses. This improves the energetic quality of the biomass and turns it into a more competitive fuel when compared to fossil fuels.The combination of pelletization and torrefaction allows for obtaining pellets with higher energetic density. Thus, biomass becomes more attractive and usable for energetic purposes, and therefore, knowing the chemical properties becomes important to guarantee the quality of the torrefied pellets for fuel. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of torrefaction of Pinus sp. pellets on their chemical properties. The wood was previously transformed into particles and dried to 16% moisture content for further pelleting. For the torrefaction, the pellets were dried to 0% moisture content and subjected to heat treatment in a screw type reactor at the temperatures of 210, 250, and 290 °C and the times of 10, 20, and 30 minutes. In order to determine the chemical properties, the structural chemical composition, immediate chemical composition, elemental composition, and thermogravimetric analysis were performed. The torrefaction promoted significant changes in the chemical properties of Pinus sp. pellets, especially regarding the proportional increase of carbon content in detriment to oxygen reduction, increase of the thermal stability, and proportional increase of the lignin content by the reduction of the hemicelluloses. This improves the energetic quality of the biomass and turns it into a more competitive fuel when compared to fossil fuels